Saturday, May 31, 2014

Square #17: Log Cabin Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: five colors medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, 
double crochet

Notes:  I loved this pattern. I loved these colors. I loved working on this.  In fact, I plan to continue and make a full blanket out of this pattern with scrap yarn.  Um, also one thing you can’t tell from the picture is that I got a little carried away and this granny square is about 10” wide, I’d say.  My suggestion is to halve everything in the pattern to make a smaller square.  Everything calls for four rows, but you could do two.  Or just go for it because this pattern truly is awesome.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

sp= space

Yarn and Tools for the Week of June 1 to June 7

Welcome to June!  This week we will use up to 3 different colors of yarn!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Square #16: On the Diag Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: two colors medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, 
single crochet, double crochet, dc2tog

Special Stitches
Double Crochet Two Together- (dc2tog): Leave last loop of both double crochets on hook, yarn over, and work off all three loops at once.

This pattern also calls for starting with the Magic Ring.  There will be some from here on out that do, but unless I tell you otherwise, they won’t be affected if instead you just ch 4 and join with a sl st like we’ve been doing.  However, Magic Ring if you can, and if you can’t and want to learn, this is a great tutorial:

Notes:  Uh guys, this one was kind of a disaster for me.  Check out this embarrassing first attempt:   

But I bounced back and my second attempt only has that one weird corner.  So I consider that a win! The joke is that the pattern specifically says it should be easy.  Oops.  I can’t even tell you really what went wrong.  Just follow along very specifically and check your work against the pictures in the pattern at each stage.  And worse case scenario, you’ll have a nice bowl.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
sc= single crochet
dc= double crochet
dc2tog= double crochet 2 together
sl st= slip stitch

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Square #15: Granny Bars

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: two colors medium weight (4) yarn (don’t you love these colors together?)

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, 
single crochet, double crochet

Notes:  The first three rounds of this pattern are just the very basic granny square we did on our first day.  Doesn’t it seem so long ago?  In order to make this square smaller, I only did 2 rounds of the traditional granny, and I stopped after Round 7.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
sc= single crochet
dc= double crochet

sl st= slip stitch

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

WHAT NOW? Wednesday

You've got a few more grannies now and maybe you're adding them into a blanket as you go, or maybe you're just throwing them in a big box in your living room.  Not that I know anyone who is doing that of course.

Here's another cool idea for your granny squares!  Make it into a fun pillow.  Check here for a bunch of ideas:

All you need to do is piece together your favorite grannies into the size you want, and join them with one of the methods we talked about last week!  You can also take just your favorite square and add rounds until it's the size that you want. And I suggest using a pillow form instead of trying to stuff because you'll end up with stuffing everywhere after a little bit of use.  If you make one, let me know!

Square #14: Peach of a Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: 2 colors medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, double crochet

Notes:  I didn’t do Round 7 here because I was shooting for 6”x6”!  Other than that, the pattern is pretty straightforward.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet

sl st= slip stitch

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Square #13: Nana Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: 1 color medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, 
single crochet, double crochet

Notes:  This pattern is in UK crochet terms!  Basically that means that you need to adjust everything down.  (i.e. a dc becomes a sc) I went ahead and transcribed below.  Please note that in order to make the square larger, I did Round 2 three times.

ch= chain
sc= single crochet
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch
sp = space

Ch 5.  Join with a sl st to form a circle.

Round 1: Ch 3. 3 dc into circle.  Ch 1.  4 dc into circle.  Ch 1. 4 dc into circle.  Ch 1. 4 dc into circle.  Ch 1. Join to third ch at beginning of round with sl st.

Round 2: Ch 3. 1 dc in top of next 3 dc.  * 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc into corner ch 1 sp. 1 dc (each) in top of next 4 dc.* Repeat from * to * to last ch 1 corner sp.  2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc into corner ch 1 sp. Join with a sl st to third ch at beginning of round.

Repeat Round 2 twice.

Round 5: Ch 1. 1 sc into this same stitch. 1 sc into each and all dc.  2 sc, ch 1, 2 sc in every ch 1 corner space to end. Join with a sl st to first sc.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

Monday, May 26, 2014

Square #12: March Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: 2 colors medium weight (4) yarn- I used variegated for one of my yarns again

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, 
single crochet, double crochet

Notes:  I love this one too. It really is a great beginner square!

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
sc= single crochet
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch
sp= space

lp = loop 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Square #11: Pinkie Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: two colors of medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed:  chain, slip stitch, double crochet,
half double crochet

Notes:  I don’t think I have any notes on this one.  It was a lot of fun and I really love the way that it turns out.  I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again but this one is my favorite so far!

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
hdc= half double crochet

sl st= slip stitch

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Square #10: Four Hearts Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: two colors of medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, double crochet

Notes:  This pattern asks you to crochet in back loop only and in front loop only in a couple of places.  If you’re not familiar with that, you can check out the tutorial here: but it ends up being pretty self-explanatory.  A fun fact is that I learned to crochet incorrectly and for a very long time was only crocheting in the back loops all the time.  It makes everything have a very interesting ribbed look, but it’s not always what you’re going for.  In fact, that’s rarely what you’re going for.  Oops.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch
blo= back loops only

flo= front loops only 

Yarn and Tools for May 25- May 31

The Last of the May Squares.  We use up to 4 colors this week!  And an H hook as usual.  Michaels is having some great online specials right now.  Check it out!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Square #9: Shake it up! Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: three colors of medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, slip stitch, double crochet

Notes:  I stopped after Round 8 to make this square roughly 6” x 6” to keep it the same size as our earlier squares.  If you’re in the groove, keep going! 

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet

sl st= slip stitch

sl st= slip stitch

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Square #8: Granny Flower Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle

Yarn needed: four colors of medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, half double crochetdouble crochet, slip stitch


Notes: This has ended up being my favorite one so far.  Now, it does have a half double crochet in a couple places, but if you don't know how to do it, then feel free to use a dc instead.  It should not change the pattern that drastically.  But be sure to follow the pattern.  It reads at first like a typical granny square pattern, (which you should be a pro at now!) but has a few key differences that make the flower pattern.  To finish it out to 6", I ran a border row of dc clusters all around the square.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
hdc= half double crochet
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Project Idea: Afghan

Bottom line: you’re going to end up with a lot of squares.  But as anyone who has been to my house can testify, I am never at a loss for a project idea.  Project completion is a whole other story.  

What is this? An afghan for ants?
Now I know we only have 7 squares so far, but the first, most obvious project I can think of is an afghan. Check out Knot Your Nana’s Crochet’s tutorial here for different ways to join squares.  And just check out that blog in general because I love it!

A 100 square blanket would end up being about 5 feet square, I think?  I am really not good at math.  

Afghan doesn't float your boat?  There are plenty more things to be done with your squares. So check back each Wednesday for more ideas!

Square #7: Granny Variation Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle

Yarn needed: three colors of medium weight (4) yarn (again with the variegated yarn!)

Skills needed: chain, double crochet, slip stitch

Pattern: or

The bad news about this pattern is that it doesn't really spell out exactly what she did to make those fun squares.  I played around with it a bit and here's what I came up with!

Decide which color is A, B, and C.

Using A, ch 4.  Join to last ch with sl st.  

Row 1: Ch 3. 2 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Join to top of ch 3 with sl st.  Fasten off.

 Row 2: Join B with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Instead of skipping the next three dcs, work a dc in the top of the next three stitches.  3 dc into corner ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Dc in top of next three stitches.   3 dc into corner ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Dc in top of next three stitches.  3 dc into corner ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Dc in top of next three stitches.  Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

 Row 3: Join C with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  Skip 2. 3 dc into next three stitches. Ch 1. Skip 2.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. Skip 2. 3 dc into next three stitches. Ch 1. Skip 2.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  Skip 2. 3 dc into next three stitches. Ch 1. Skip 2.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

Row 4: Join B with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Instead of skipping the next three dcs, work a dc in the top of the next three stitches.  3 dc into corner ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Dc in top of next three stitches.   3 dc into corner ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Dc in top of next three stitches.  3 dc into corner ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Dc in top of next three stitches.  Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Check it out!

Here's a little photo collage of some of my favorite squares you've sent so far!  Keep 'em coming!

And take a second right now and head over to Mary's Ami'Pals blog where she's posting her square every day. Plus look at the totally adorable amigurumi friends she has made!

I started this journey back in April so I'm a couple weeks ahead, and let me tell you, there are some totally adorable squares coming up and I can't wait to show you!

Square #6: Square in a Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle

Yarn needed: two colors of medium weight (4) yarn.  I used a variegated yarn for my second color which is why it looks like there's maybe 8 colors involved. It's just two!

Skills needed: chain, single crochet double crochet, slip stitch


Notes: For all you newbies, we're adding a new stitch today for just a little bit- a single crochet.  Don't be scared!  It's even easier than a double crochet.  Be sure to read the instructions carefully on this one.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
sc= single crochet
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

Monday, May 19, 2014

Square #5: Spin Cushions Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, tape measure or ruler

Yarn needed: one color of medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, double crochet, slip stitch

Pattern: About 3/4 of the way down the page, there's a Block 1-US Version pattern.  That's what you want to make!  This is part of a larger afghan, so there will be some notes about that in the pattern, but you can ignore that!

Notes: This varies from the traditional granny square we started out with but only because instead of skipping stitches and using the chain spaces, you'll make a double crochet in each stitch of the previous row.  I really like the way this one turned out and think this pattern is pretty fun!

To make it 6", just repeat Row 2 until it's about 5 1/2" then do the border row.

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Square #4: Mitered Granny Square

Mitered Granny Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle

Yarn needed: four colors of medium weight (4) yarn (A, B, C, D)

Skills needed: chain, double crochet slip stitch


Notes: Don't freak out!  This pattern has tons of pictures as you go along and it is basically the same thing you've been doing the last few days.  It has all the same bones and still only uses double crochet!  It just has a couple of tweaks.  And tweaks win games. (Go Cats!)  You'll start out working in the round just like you're used to, but at some point will briefly switch to working in a row.  It will ask you to "turn" at some point.  All you do for that is chain 3, and take your square and turn it like a book page, then proceed with the pattern.

This pattern also asks you to use "your favorite method" to make your beginning ring.  Mine is chain 4 and join with a slip stitch in the first chain to make a loop which is what we've been doing.  If you're feeling a bit fancier, there are other options and the pattern links to a couple of them.  It's up to you!

As always, if you have any questions, comment below or e-mail me at

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
slpst= slip stitch
End off= fasten off

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Quick Note On Using An H Hook

After today, we start getting into patterns that I did not write myself!  Together we’ll try some of the most fun free granny patterns I could find on the internet! But that means that the patterns may call for various sizes of hooks.  In the interest of maintaining a roughly uniform size, I suggest using an H hook throughout, even when they call for much larger hooks or much smaller hooks.  Pretend you’re Goldilocks and the H hook is juuuuuust right.  

Yarn and Tools for May 18- May 24

Hey folks!  Head out to your favorite yarn store because here’s what you’ll need for next week:
H hook
Up to FIVE colors of yarn

Keep those photos coming.  I’m loving it!

Square #3: Basic Granny Square in Five Colors

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, scissors

Yarn needed: five colors of medium weight (4) yarn (A, B, C, D, E)

Skills needed: chain, double crochet, slip stitch

Notes: Using the same pattern as yesterday, change colors of yarn at the end of each round.  You'll fasten off at the end of each round, then use a slip stitch to attach a new color each time.  As always, feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions or concerns.  And don't forget to send me pictures of your completed square!

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

Decide which color is A, B, C, D, and E. Sometimes it helps to write it down!

Using A, ch 4.  Join to last ch with sl st.  

Row 1: Ch 3. 2 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Join to top of ch 3 with sl st.  Fasten off.

 Row 2: Join B with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

 Row 3: Join C with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

Row 4: Join D with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

Row 5: Join E with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

Weave in ends.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Square #2: Basic Granny Square with Two Colors

Basic Granny Square in two colors

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle

Yarn needed: two colors of medium weight (4) yarn (A, B)

Skills needed: chain, double crochet, slip stitch

Notes: Using basically the same pattern as yesterday, change colors of yarn at the end of each round, alternating two colors.  You'll fasten off at the end of each round, then use a slip stitch to attach a new color each time instead of chaining 4.

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

Decide which color is A and which is B.

Using A, ch 4.  Join to last ch with sl st.  

Row 1: Ch 3. 2 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Join to top of ch 3 with sl st.  Fasten off.

Row 2: Join B with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3.

2 dc into ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

 Row 3: Join A with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

Row 4: Join B with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

Row 5: Join A with sl st in any ch 2 space.  Ch 3. 2 dc into ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to top of ch with sl st. Fasten off.

Weave in ends.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Contest!?!?!

Hey grannies!  For every square you make along with me, you will get one entry in a contest to win (trumpet fanfare) a $25 Michaels gift card, which PURELY COINCIDENTALLY is the price of a crochet class!

Contest Rules:
1) Make the daily square.
2) Send a photo of it to OR comment with a photo in the comments on that day's square (can you do that?) OR post it on OR okay, yeah, sorry, I think those are your only options.
3) Pat yourself on the back because you have entered!

Please note: you only get credit for the same pattern 1 time, so don't make 45 daisy squares and send me 45 pictures.  ALSO you must send the photo before 8pm EST the following day in order to get credit.

ALSO ALSO I will post pictures of the ones I like best!

Square #1: Basic Granny Square

Basic Granny Square

Tools needed: size H hook, yarn needle, scissors

Yarn needed: one color of medium weight (4) yarn

Skills needed: chain, double crochet, slip stitch

Notes: I wrote this pattern, so probably I should apologize in advance.  There are several ways to start each new round.  For this pattern, I've put what is probably my favorite, and I think the easiest to do when you're not switching colors.  You can also fasten off and start anew at each corner, or slip stitch to the next ch space.  Whatever feels best for you!  Feel free to experiment!

ch= chain
dc= double crochet
sl st= slip stitch

Ch 4.  Join to last ch with sl st.  

Row 1: Ch 3. 2 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Ch 2. 3 dc into ring. Join to top of ch 3 with sl st.

 Row 2:  Ch 4. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space.  Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 2 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to third ch of ch 4 with sl st.

 Row 3: Ch 4. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 2 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to third ch of ch 4 with sl st.

Row 4: Ch 4.  3 dc into ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 2 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to third ch of ch 4 with sl st.

Row 5: Ch 4. 2 dc into ch 2 space.  Ch 2.  3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 3 dc into same ch 2 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 1 space. Ch 1. 3 dc into next ch 1 space.  Ch 1.  3 dc into next ch 2 space. Ch 2. 2 dc into same ch 2 space. Join to third ch of ch 4 with sl st.

Fasten off by ch 1, cut your tail yarn and pull it through the chain. Weave in ends.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Chains and Slips: Stitches to Know

Before we get started on Thursday, there's a couple stitches that you'll want to know.  Each and every Granny Square will require you to start with a chain stitch and use at least one slip stitch.

There are still some spots left for my Wednesday class at the Frankfort Michaels!  Check out to sign up.  We'll cover chains and slip stitches, as well as singles, doubles, trebles, half doubles, and all the other stitches that will come up in the hundred days.

If you can't make it, or you're out of town, check out these tutorials for an overview, and let me know if you have any questions.

Slip Stitch

Chain Stitch

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tools and Yarn for May 15-17

Head out to Michaels or into your yarn stash to get ready for the first week of the 100 Days of Granny!

For every granny square we make, all 100, you will need: scissors, a yarn needle, and a size H crochet hook.

I suggest using medium weight (4) yarn.  If you check your yarn label, you'll see a number on a little icon of a yarn skein that will let you know what size yarn it is.  I don't recommend going over 4 because that makes it hard to see the stitches, especially if you're just starting out!

One thing to consider when you're selecting your yarn is what you want to do with your granny squares!  If you think you might put them together into a blanket, or a scarf, or a bag, or some other project like that, then you might want to get colors of yarn that are complementary and stick with that throughout.  I haven't finished them all yet, but I would estimate that if you get 5 different colors in the 250yd skeins then you should have enough to finish all the grannies.

For the week of May 15-17, we will use up to 5 different colors of yarn.

Each Saturday morning, I will post tools and yarn necessary for the following week.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Learn to make a Granny Square!

Sign up now for my Granny Square class next Wednesday, 5/14 at 6:00.  You'll come away with a slew of Granny Squares and the basic stitches we'll be using during the 100 Days!  Sign up here: or at the register at the Frankfort Michaels (502) 695-6181.